The Stars That Shine
"The latest from the Star Cumbles is a gorgeous collection of post-punk, synth-pop and dream pop anthems that call to mind such greats as Depeche Mode and early Ministry." - Unlucky Mammals
"Rock and pop with production inspired by the best of the 80s, plus that great rock and roll voice; it's a fun listen." - Black Creek Rock
"Let me tell you something... The freaking Star Crumbles have a new album out and it's terrific. Top notch vocals, production, and instrumentals. Bravo to Marc Schuster and Brian Lambert! A can't-miss for 80's fans!" - Scoopski
"Twelve tracks of delicious indie-synth-pop-Fuzz-rock filled with fuzzy guitars, layers of synths, brooch bass lines and amazing melodies and lyrics!" - Mikey J
"This entire album kicks so, so much!! From the opener ‘Get What You Are’ to ‘Eat Your Vegetables’..to the very ending ‘You Are Much More’, every song on this is fantastic. Def going to have to replay this one a bunch!" - Billy Lowry